
RPI with Resin

Getting Started With Raspberry Pi 3 and Python Getting Started With Raspberry Pi 3 and Python NGenetzky/simple-server-python Following their guide is very easy. I was really impressed by the feedback when using git push.

Setup new NVMe Disk with multi boot UEFI

Installing Windows Rufus Downloaded Educational version of Windows 10. Created a bootable drive with Rufus. Issues with UEFI vs Legacy/CSM boot When I was first trying I had UEFI boot disabled in my BIOS.

Swagger Server implemented with python flask on RPI

More complicated application Earlier today I deployed a application to my rpi3 that started from an example project provided by, but now I would like to explore converting an existing application that is a little more complex.

RPI with Yocto

Find my pi Find your Raspberry Pi’s IP Address Use ifconfig to find my dev machine ip use nmap to scan the computers on my network. jumpnow Building Raspberry Pi Systems with Yocto prebuilt image First I am going to load the prebuilt image.

My Doorman, Docker Doug

I recently added a new member to my team. Doug is a Raspberry Pi that lives near my router. Unfortunately Doug will not quite open my door for me (yet) but he will notify me when my door opens or my door closes.

Arduino With Lab View

Leo, a Arduino Leonardo, interfaced with LabVIEW using LINX

Arduino Control LEDs over Bluetooth

Leo, a Arduino Leonardo, is controlling LEDs based on commands from my phone via serial over bluetooth.

Arduino Serial Over Bluetooth

Leo, a Arduino Leonardo, is communicating to my phone via serial over bluetooth.

Arduino -> Shift Reg -> Seven Segment Display

Leo, a Arduino Leonardo, is connected to a Seven Segement Display through a Shift Register.

CTS AG Museum Recorder

Purpose: People visiting the AG Museum can record stories from their past. Connected a microphone and GPIO buttons to an older Macintosh computer. One button will start a recording, and the second switch will stop the recording and save a timestamped file.