Hiring a Ephemeral Butler

Clean up, before I get messy

I have been running a lot of different docker containers, and often forgetting to use --rm. So I pruned my system: docker system --prune as recommended by this answer on StackOverfow.

Starting Simple

I followed the steps outlined on jenkinsci. I used the command below to get the password from the master container I just started.

docker exec -it $(docker container ls -l --format "{{.Names}}") cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Composed of Greatness

I like to plan for the future and I imagine eventually I will have to customize the official image. So I created my own Dockerfile FROM the image above. Scripts are nice for one-off build and runs, but for anything more complex I like to make a docker-compose file.

I installed the plugins via the web interface, but then I will later export them to plugins.txt for reproducibility of the master_home volume. For now I simply captured what was installed by default by using the command provided in the readme above.

curl -sSL "http://$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath=/*/*/shortName|/*/*/version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g'|sed 's/ /:/'

Encapsulation of requirements

I do not have an entire server farm at my disposal. I have a single powerful computer. For this reason I would like to be able to execute builds within a docker container. I am researching into the various plugins available and the works published by others.

Most notably:

Nathan Genetzky
Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineer by Day, Electronic Hobbyist by Night.

