Thinking Inside the Box With Docker


Today we will be investigating different ways docker can be used by running through simple examples that contain realistic tasks that are performed involving docker. I will be running through these examples in the following git respository. I will try to keep good history of what was done in git.

I will attempt to describe code or commands I am executing.

  • Commands executed on the command line will be prefixed with: “→”
  • Characters may be omitted, but they will be replaced with: “…”

web-nginx: Serve static content over http from image built from Dockerfile

First we are going to set up a web server in a container, using an existing image. I have used the jojomi/nginx-static image in the past for other projects.


We will build from build FROM jojomi/nginx-static, however we would like to change the “default” site to configure location / to have autoindex on, so that we get a listing of files on the server.

# FILE: ./web-nginx/Dockerfile
FROM jojomi/nginx-static
COPY ./nginx-default.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

We will then build this container with a tag so that we can reference it.

→ f='./web-nginx/' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"
SCRIPTDIR="$(CDPATH='' cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)" #"
docker build \
    --tag 'web-nginx-image' \
Successfully tagged web-nginx-image:latest

We can then run this container. Since this is a web server we will choose to “publish” port 80 so that we access the web server and we will “detach” the terminal since there is no interaction needed.

→ f='./web-nginx/' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"
docker run --detach --rm \
    --name "web-nginx-container" \
    --publish 80:80 \

You may be wondering how I identified the configuration for nginx that was included with the container. To do this I simple “entered” the container, and then I was able to locate the configuration files of interest.

→ f='./web-nginx/' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"
docker exec -it \
    'web-nginx-container' \
/etc/nginx #

web-nginx: Manually building image with commits to container

Now we are going to stop the container (which will also destory it since we specified the --rm flag). Next we are going add a file to the container from the internet, and save the container an image.

→ f='./web-nginx/' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"
docker rm -f 'web-nginx-container' || true

docker run -t \
    --name 'web-nginx-container' \
    'web-nginx-image' \
    wget \
    '' \
    -O '/var/www/wget-gist-from-github.html'

docker commit \
    'web-nginx-container' \

Now we can create a new container from this image we just saved. This time we are also going to mount a “volume”. We will then navigate to localhost:80.

→ f='./web-nginx/' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"
SCRIPTDIR="$(CDPATH='' cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)"

docker rm -f 'web-nginx-container' >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

docker run --detach --rm \
    --name "web-nginx-container" \
    --volume "$(pwd):/var/www/mounted-pwd" \
    --publish 80:80 \
    'web-nginx-with-data-image:1.0' \

xdg-open 'http://localhost:80'

web-nginx: Inspect images and containers

Note that this time I specified the ‘CMD’ for the container explicitly; this is because some special metadata about the image was overritten. We will walk through the steps to investigate these images. First we will lookup the image history:

→ f='./web-nginx/' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"
docker image history \
IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
30515dc065f4        About an hour ago   wget…   0B                  
251c0ed12ac2        23 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:3008ecd53df1eb46…   510B                
02affa393ea5        17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["nginx"]                0B                  
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /etc/nginx            0B                  
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop)  VOLUME [/var/www /var/log…   0B                  
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 443/tcp               0B                  
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE }}}80/tcp                0B                  
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:b5da41d30400c84d8…   479B                
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:1a9ecefd9c60d5ed5…   475B                
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c adduser www-data -G www-data -H -…   5.05kB              
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c apk add --update     nginx   && r…   1.37MB              
<missing>           17 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop)  MAINTAINER Johannes Mitlm…   0B                  
<missing>           19 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["/bin/sh"]              0B                  
<missing>           19 months ago       /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:093f0723fa46f6cdb…   4.15MB 

After doing this we can then use docker inspect to investigate the nitty gritty details. We were specifically interested in the “Cmd”, so we can use the magical --format parameter to filter down to just this data. I

→ f='./web-nginx/inspect_and_compare.bash' && cat "${f}" && "${f}"


    local a b format
    format='{{ json .Config.Cmd }}'

    diff \
        <(docker inspect "${a}" --format "${format}") \
        <(docker inspect "${b}" --format "${format}")

inspect_and_compare "$@"
< ["nginx"]
> ["wget","","-O","/var/www/wget-gist-from-github.html"]

cli-pyflame: Simple application with command line interface in python

Second we are going to build our own application from scratch. Our application has some dependencies and we would like to make the final image as small as possible. We will utilize the technique outlined by Itamar Turner-Trauring in the following articles:


We will break down ./cli-pyflame/Dockerfile to identify the key parts.

We will use apt to install some system level dependencies. Note that in order to conserve space we must clear apt’s caches before the end of the RUN statement. Note that these build tools are not required for our application to be able to run, but are only neccessary to build the application.

# Configure apt and install packages
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
        build-essential \
        gcc \
    && apt-get autoremove -y \
    && apt-get clean -y \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Next we set up a python virtual env and configure the container to use this environment by using environment variables.

ENV VIRTUAL_ENV='/opt/venv/'
RUN python -m venv "${VIRTUAL_ENV}"

Next we will install python dependencies. Note that we COPY the requirements.txt separately before we COPY the rest of the application. This is an optimization which allows for more effective use of the build cache. When running docker build it will attempt to use a cached version of each layer which has not had any changes - which means that unless requirements.txt is modified then the cache from the previous build will be used.

WORKDIR /usr/src/app/
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

Here we:

  1. Build it initially.
  2. Build it again and see that cache is used.
  3. Build it again after invalidating the cache for requirements.txt
→ f='./cli-pyflame/' && cat "$f" && "$f"
SCRIPTDIR="$(CDPATH='' cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)" #"
docker build \
    --tag 'cli-pyflame-image' \
Sending build context to Docker daemon   7.68kB
Step 1/11 : FROM python:3.7-slim AS compile-image
Successfully built a7ddb6b4d33f
Successfully tagged cli-pyflame-image:latest
→ f='./cli-pyflame/' && "$f"  | grep -A 1 'Step 8'
Step 8/11 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 ---> Using cache
→ echo '#' >> cli-pyflame/requirements.txt && f='./cli-pyflame/' && "$f"  | grep -A 1 'Step 8'
Step 8/11 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 ---> Running in 28b9a235d42a

Here we actually COPY in the source code, and then install the application.

COPY ./ /usr/src/app/
RUN pip install .

Here is where we configure the ENTRYPOINT. I highly recommend reviewing this article ( docker-run-vs-cmd-vs-entrypoint) to understand the intricies, advantages and disadvangtages of CMD and ENTRYPOINT.

ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-m", "pyflame.flame"]


Run with default entrypoint with no CMD.

→ f='./cli-pyflame/' && cat "$f" && "$f"
docker run --rm \
    --name "cli-pyflame-container" \
    'cli-pyflame-image' "$@"


    COMMAND is one of the following:


Next we will change the CMD by just adding argument at the end.

→ f='./cli-pyflame/' && "$f" lite -h
INFO: Showing help with the command ' lite -- --help'.

NAME lite

SYNOPSIS lite N <flags>



    You can also use flags syntax for POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS

Alternatively could change the ENTRYPOINT when we call docker run. Here we will launch an interactive bash shell, and then we can call the cli multiple times.

→ f='./cli-pyflame/' && cat "$f" && "$f"
docker run -it --rm \
    --entrypoint '/bin/bash' \
    --name "cli-pyflame-container" \
    'cli-pyflame-image' \
root@678d6adbdc25:/usr/src/app# python -m pyflame.flame lite 1 apple
WARNING:root:lit 1 apple on fire
root@678d6adbdc25:/usr/src/app# python -m pyflame.flame lite 2
WARNING:root:lit 2 candles on fire
Nathan Genetzky
Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineer by Day, Electronic Hobbyist by Night.

