Resin CLI and Beaglebone

Getting started with the CLI

I attempted to install the npm package but my system was incompatible with some of the requirements. Thankfull, rather than having to debug this issue I was able to simply download a release that I was able to simply unzip, add to path and use.

Changing applicaton code, building and deploying to device

The other day I deployed this application but one thing I noted was that the public url did not provde access to my API. The reason for this is because is only forwarding port 80. So I am going to go through the steps to change the port the python server runs on and then bulid and deploy my application using the resin-cli.

I checked out my ngenetzky-petstore. Modified the and the Dockerfile to use port 80. Then I go about building my container (for the rpi1) locally.

└─> resin build --deviceType raspberrypi3 --arch armhf
[Info]    Building Dockerfile.template project
[Build]   Step 1/10 : FROM resin/raspberrypi3-alpine-python:3
[Build]    ---> 693a4fc3f771
[Build]   Step 2/10 : RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
[Build]    ---> Running in 92da63f7c9f1
[Build]   standard_init_linux.go:195: exec user process caused "exec format error"

With a little research it appears that maybe I was correct when I thought that docker running on x86 would have issues building a container for ARM.

To Be Continued…

Building for Beaglebone using meta-resin-beaglebone

  • resin-os/resin-beaglebone

After cloning the respository and submodules I setup an environment for yocto. From previous experience I always like to have a shared downloads and sstate-cache. I prefer to have many ‘TMPDIR’ because I like to compare build workspaces and artifacts. I try to avoid cluttering my home directory/partition with big files and so this is the structure I choose:


I like to put any long commands into scripts (because I’m the good kind of lazy), and so my script for this can be found in this gist. Of course I run into build issues. I will debug them another day. It seems like any time I run a non-containerize build I run into issues.

Nathan Genetzky
Senior Software Engineer

Software Engineer by Day, Electronic Hobbyist by Night.

